Valheim: Development Blog


As the devs clearly mentioned here, it has been a good while since their last blog post. I noticed the announcement via their official Discord server. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really have any juicy looks at the latest Ashlands release (which of course grants there shouldn’t be any spoilers either), but communication with the community is also important, and can be rare for quite a few companies out there today. Our group (or the majority of us at least) hasn’t made time to delve back into Valheim: Ashlands just yet. Not that we ‘won’t’ we’ve just been preoccupied with other games at the moment. I certainly enjoy the game in spurts, but we generally close out the play through once we’ve completed whatever content the new biomes have presented. Effectively, not long after defeating the new bosses, we tend to put it aside until the next release comes around. We have had a few games start here and there in between though. Ironically, one of my favorite things about Valheim is the ocean voyages. The music, the storms, the adventure of that tends to stand out a great deal for me. Albeit, I’m usually just holding the mast waiting for that sneaky sea serpent to attack! You can take a peek at the official blog post via their website, here.

A picture is worth 1000 words as the saying goes. From the little I’ve seen one of my favorite Streamers (J.C.’s Channel) play of Ashlands, I’ll add this picture is definitely on par. His initial excursion attempt into Ashlands has gone horribly awry! “My boat melted!” I included a link to his Valheim content above, if you have some time to spare and are looking for something entertaining, you might give the channel a visit should your schedule allow. Now, I admit, I haven’t completed the close to 4 hour live stream he did on Valheim: Ashlands just yet. I tend to mostly watch things on my way to bed, and given I tend to go to bed later than I should, it doesn’t allot me an incredible amount of time to ‘watch’ anything. I have viewed it a few times over the last few days for somewhere around 20 – 30 minutes, effectively chipping away at the content in small bits. I suspect his content might not be for everyone, but I certainly enjoy it. It has action, humor, and generally a great vide. For me it’s a great way to just chill out and watch gaming when I am unable to game. As I mentioned on the Content Creator’s page on the website here, the initial draw to his content was his 7 Days to Die content. He used each Alpha of the game to provide a story of some type, and while he doesn’t do it quite as often these days, he still has those story videos on occasion. He’s since moved to live streaming on the weekends for his community, but I rarely get to partake of them live. I usually go back and watch them through out the week as scheduling allows.

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