Destiny 2: Update

Bungie announced the release of Update on their official Discord yesterday afternoon. At this time the majority of our group has too much on the ole gaming plate to dedicate any time to this wonderful game, but maybe we’ll head back around to it again after some of the other titles on our plate […]

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Destiny 2: Update

Bungie had a maintenance cycle announcement along with the Update on their official Discord today. At a glance it appears the patch touched on quite a few areas of the game. Our group as a majority hasn’t been back in way of Destiny 2 in a bit now, and in truth, I haven’t heard […]

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Destiny 2: Update

Bungie announced a maintenance window earlier today for the update release, which I believe has already been completed by the time of this post. The update looks to touch quite a few areas of the game. You can take a peek at official update message on Bungine’s website, here. I haven’t heard much from […]

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Destiny 2: Update

Bungie announced Update for Destiny 2 this afternoon. I haven’t heard much from Liquidd of late, so I’m not sure how his Final Shape grinding is going, but I’m hopeful it is going great. At least given he’s had the time or desire to play lately. You can take a peek at the official […]

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Destiny 2: Update

Bungie announced the release of Update yesterday afternoon after the scheduled maintenance was concluded. To be fair, it was technically announced as part of the maintenance, although no news as to what the update included was available at the time; At least not to my knowledge. You can take a peek at the official […]

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Destiny 2: Update

Bungie dropped Update yesterday afternoon for Destiny 2. In a somewhat odd run of events, the follows I had for the official Destiny 2 Discord server were not coming through to our Discord Channel for D2. I also didn’t notice any posts on Steam like some of the other games I follow, so I’ve […]

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Destiny 2: New Content!

In a surprising turn of events for me, Liquidd gifted me the Lightfall Expansion and Annual Pass for Destiny 2. I logged in on Thursday night to some new content for myself. This marvelous new content included the Quicksilver Storm rifle! I picked it up at the kiosk in the Tower, and headed out to […]

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Destiny 2: Test Run

Out of the blue, I had a gaming buddy, I haven’t heard from in some time. Liquidd messaged me via text asking me what our group had been playing of late. We had the usual chat about games, what we each had been up too, and some brief catch up on life. At some point, […]

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