No Man’s Sky: Aquarius Update


Hello Games announced the Aquarius Update for No Man’s Sky earlier today! I also noted the update available for NMS in Steam, which I’ve already ran. I haven’t logged into NMS in some time, with the rumors of a Universe reset on the somewhat near horizon, I just haven’t had quite as much time or desire to play. Not to say that I wouldn’t enjoy it, because I most certainly would. I’m just not sure what to expect from such an event, and I don’t know that I have time to spare if it’s possible that some or all of my progress might be lost after the reset. (At this point, I’m not even sure it will happen!?) In any case, the update seems to host a slew of things related to well, water. Fishing is being introduced with the tradition method of fishing poles, automated fish traps, baits, new cooking recipes, a new device that allows you to somewhat ‘dock fish’, and a new underwater suit to explore the vast aquatic areas of NMS. Aquatic exploration has always been fun for me in NMS, and it calls to me like no other form. I’m excited for all that is being added, but I’ll say that the possibility of ‘better’ exploration of those under water areas sounds amazing! This particular update has a slew of images, at least one video, and tons of eye candy. In this case, I’d highly suggest you take a peek at it on their official website, here if you are interested. Normally, I would include some of the information here, but the presentation in this update, especially makes gathering the data a bit more difficult. May your exploration be enjoyable, and infinite, Traveller!

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