Marvel Snap: Spotlight Rotation – Dec. 12th


Second Dinner dropped the spotlight rotation yesterday afternoon, but scheduling didn’t allow me to get to the post. Later that day, I was able to nab all 3 of this weeks rotation cards however! Saving does sometime pay off! I’ve seen some really interesting game play with Blob so far from some of my favorite content creators. Although I have yet to build a viable deck with the Blob as of yet.

Spotlight Rotation – December 12th

  • Blob
  • Living Tribunal
  • Ravonna Renslayer

Character Spotlight – Blob


Series 5 :cost:

Cost: 6 :power:

Power: 4 On Reveal: Merge your deck into this. (and gain its total Power)

I can’t say whether or not it will last, but I’ve certainly ran into my share of Blob decks in Marvel Snap since his release. Quite a few popular combinations can be triggered with high power cards to boost his power on reveal, and early plays with cards like Wave, Sera, and other cards to either give energy early or set energy costs to a lower, albeit temporary amount.