Hobbit Plays: Hogwarts Legacy

Hobbit Plays News

If you’ve paid close attention to anything on the site, you’ve probably noted by now, that it is a rare thing indeed for me to embark on a game solo. It’s not that I don’t like solo games per se, more so that I don’t typically have the time in my schedule to include such an adventure. Well, Error (my son) recently gifted me the masterpiece: Hogwarts Legacy, which he picked up during the Steam Summer Sale. He’s already put a decent set of adventures towards the game, and in his message, he proclaimed, that he knew I didn’t play solo games, but he also felt I would love this game. I suspect he is going to be right. We both woke up early this morning, and I got a small but certainly fun start of a game that I truly believe I’m going to enjoy. Now, I’ve had numerous games in the past that were solo that I ‘know’ I would enjoy as well, but for whatever reason, I haven’t got back around to playing them. Final Fantasty VII, Darksiders II, Darksiders III, Mutant Year Zero, along with a slew of other solo play games. I’ll just lead off by saying his leap of faith to purchase me a game knowing I don’t play solo player games often was enough to inspire me. I expect the journey will be a bit slow as I’ll only have time where I wake up early, or the gang is busy, etc… but I hope to keep this adventure going the best I can until I complete it. I did go through the Harry Potter Fanclub link up to my account as per the game’s recommendation. I was sorted into Ravenclaw, a Larch Wood wand with a unicorn core, and my patronus is a dolphin. I also setup my profile and collected all the goodies from the account link up, then started the adventure. The start for me was a bit shorter than I’d have liked, but certainly a sweet taste of the possible adventures to come.

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