Hobbit Plays: 07.08.24 – 07.14.24

Hobbit Plays News

As it stands for now, it seems I’m all alone in my adventures in No Man’s Sky. I know my brother (Eldon) plays it on a semi-regular basis, but generally his play times are when I’m at work, so I can’t partake during those times. We managed to drag SoSirius from whatever realm he’s been lost in for the past few years, and he joined us for a bit of 7 Days to Die! Unfortunately for me, I didn’t manage any time last week to dedicate to Hogwarts Legacy, but I haven’t forgot about it, and I’m hopeful to be able to add some time to it over the course of this week. We shall have to see if the stars align and I can manage some solo-game play time or not. On another note, you may note no gaming on Sunday. I did dome testing with SoSirius on Halo: The Master Chief Collection in the later evening, but otherwise I was at my sister’s the majority of the day, and I had some work stuff pop up on Sunday evening I had to take care of so, alas, there was no gaming for me Sunday. Save for some Mario Party on the Switch at my sister’s house! Happy gaming all! 🙂

Days played: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Players: Qvaid, Hobbit

Comments: Monday evening, my wife (Qvaid) and I started out on our Outward adventures, but ended up in a pretty rough spot. We had made quite a few mistakes on our initial start, and snow was upon us. We had no place to stay, we were scrounging for food and basic survival in the dock area of Cierzo. Being so new to the game, mechanics, and story we failed to save our lighthouse during the course of the ‘mourning period’. We placed our play through on hold and hit YouTube for some insight as to what we should do. The video we watched was incredibly helpful. You can take a peek at said video, here. Now I’m not saying it is the ‘best video’ available for our intent, just that the information provided certainly helped us. Ultimately, we decided we were not far enough in to keep us from making a fresh start. We started new characters, and actually managed to make a great new start! We gathered more items after the shipwreck which we missed on our initial start, we saved our lighthouse via the Tribal Favor mentioned in the video, we gathered (and/or purchased) all the gear needed to get out of Cierzo, and since we didn’t sneak out, I was granted a skill from the Warden. We also figured out how to use the skills via the controller (or we believe we have at least). In the little bit of time we played our fresh start, we feel we are already ahead of our previous characters. Which we went ahead and deleted. There was nothing on them that would make any difference in comparison to our current session, and we have no desire to return back to the pitiful state the previous run was in! We are so much better off, and thus far we haven’t died, albeit we used a bit more stealth than on our previous run, and we know that time will come eventually. My wife and I are excited to log back in again and see what adventures my lie ahead on this brand new start!

Death found it’s way to both my wife and I in our Tuesday evening adventures in Outward. While we were certainly off to a better start, we are still having some trouble with the combat. The majority of our time running around in Outward was just basic club, shield, and clothing. We finished up the night with a full set of leather for me, and we are working on a helm for my wife since this particular run didn’t yield us much in the way of clothing and helms/hats. That transition into better gear ‘helped’ but we still don’t have a lot of room for mistakes with the tattered set of leather armors we have. We stopped at some point to walk through the tutorial again hoping to yield some more combat experience. It was helpful and we completed it this time, albeit, it was not quite as much combat experience as we’d hopped for. The enemies in the tutorial don’t really behave like the enemies you encounter in the game. Still we have made better progress, and we learned some things through the complete run of the tutorial. The situation we ran into with the controllers has been resolved and it was simply a misunderstanding on our part about how said skills worked on the controllers.

I’m not sure if the tutorial combat paid off, or maybe my wife and I just got lucky. We did get busted up once on Wednesday evening, but we otherwise were able to take down several bandits, hyenas, and other foes that came into our path. We are still actively avoiding the Mantis Shrimps, but otherwise we made some decent progress and earned a little bit of Silver to hopefully start with upgrades to our gear. We are both now in a full set of what looks to be tattered leather armor to me. We played for a decent session before it was time to call it and start prep for sleep.

Late into the evening on Friday, after the rest of the gang had either called it, my wife and I hopped back into Outward for some new adventures! We went to the Trogg Dungeon for the first time, and managed to hold our own for a decent number of battles. At some point Qvaid decided she’d had enough of the dark, dank, dreary cave, and we headed back out. We ran into a creature past the wooden gate, that was absolutely out of our capabilities. It effectively attacked me through a block, knocked me down, and killed me before I could get back up. Fortunately my wife managed to bugger off, and revive me back inside Cierzo. We managed a bit more of resource gathering and exploration before ultimately calling it a night.

Days played: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday

Players: Hobbit

Comments: Tuesday, the weather wasn’t really conducive to the usual schedule of heading outside with the grandchildren after work. I opted to use that little bit of time before dinner to hop into NMS and work on the HQ base I left off on recently. I need to work on the wiring a bit to get more lighting into parts of my new base. I started the process and effectively just scrapped the currently wiring and moved the battery bank I have for the base to the center prefab building. I figured that would make wiring a bit easier and more feasible. I started some testing for the wiring in one of the Alloy based rooms I built, but ran out of time with only the doors and sensors back in operation, along with the solar panels and battery bank in working order. My recent adventures in NMS have been strictly solo as our group has dove headlong back into 7 Days to Die and Conan Exiles as well. It’s not a complaint, as in truth I just like to game, and gaming with friends and family is much more fun to me than solo play. Still I’m hopeful to at least complete the HQ and decommission the previous HQ I had before I put this adventure to rest for a bit. I have another solo project going with Hogwarts Legacy, so for the now, it’s going to be a struggle to attempt to maintain both of the projects.

After the work day had come to a close on Wednesday afternoon, I hopped back into NMS and managed to get some more work done on my HQ. After some research, I found out that the candelabra bloom plant provides some great lighting via a reddit post. I hopped into my starship, headed out of the atmosphere, called up the Anomaly and purchased it for 500 Quicksilver. The post was correct. While the lighting is still not perfect, it is certainly much better off. The best part? They don’t use power. As a matter of fact, I found several lighting options that do not require power. I opted for that route, and just put up sensors and wiring for the vaults, portal, and such so it only powers up if I walk into the room. One Alloy room technically completed. Technically this was done in a short span after work, and then again later after I played outside with the grandchildren for a bit, and had dinner. I saved my progress, and logged out to hit some more Outward adventures with my wife on Wednesday afternoon.

On Saturday, I started the day working on my new HQ again. I was able to get it completed for the most part, at least enough to warrant heading back to Spicy Shire and start the process of decommissioning that base. I completed that process as well, hopped over to Spicy Shire OP, and Corrupt Shire OP, and fueled up the generators for those bases. Over all, I’m pretty happy with the new HQ, although there is still some work to be done. I also checked some crops I planted in my Freight, and while I’m not positive if it will be worth the effort, I decided to plant Nip-Nip at my new HQ to see how that might turn out. I ran out of Nip-Nip buds, so I wasn’t able to fully plant all the buds I was planning too at the new HQ, but shouldn’t be too long before I have that in order given some time to spare. I haven’t started processing the gas deposit I have right behind the new base, but I decided that was enough for the day, and a decent amount of time put towards the effort. I

Days played: Thursday, Friday

Players: Error, Falken, Iron, Kilen, SoSirius, Hobbit

Comments: So the new name you see there is a friend of ours that all but disappeared for some time. We recently made contact with him and he was up to join us in some of our 7 Days to Die shenanigans. He logged in and we all managed to have a bit of fun before it was time to call it due to the Thursday evening / work on Friday situation. I can’t say the session didn’t have it’s fair share of distractions. Kilen had a situation he had to attend to and called it really early. I had stepped outside with the dogs, and was using an air compressor to top off the tires on our vehicle, and blew a fuse on the charging ports (which since have been repaired), my son called it fairly early for work, Falken pretty much the same. There was a bit of conversation between Iron, SoSirius and I before they also called it, and I went back to the vehicle to track down the blown fuse. Thankfully, it did turn out to be just a fuse (at least thus far), and all the ports are working again. Maybe some of that survival things from 7 Days to Die can pay off in RL!? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go scrap so old shirts, I need some cloth for duct tape. Where did I put that glue!? 🙂

Friday had the looks of a great start and some good adventures, but we ran into another patch, which I took care of while everyone else stepped away for a bit. As it turns out, several never returned, and the remainder of us ended up calling it quite a bit earlier than I anticipated. No worries though, Qvaid (My wife) was up to play Outward, and we picked up the adventures from there!

Days played: Saturday

Players: Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: The majority of the day was dedicated to adventures in Conan Exiles with Error, Kilen, and myself! We managed to get some really nice legendary weapons for the lot of us, and well… those certainly make some huge differences in fighting the regular critters around the area. I liked the new weapon and fighting style so much, I ended up shelfing my Khitan Mace and Shield to use strictly the new 2H Blunt and a bow. I had a horse die or disappear on me, which was unfortunate, but it’s not even in the follower list now. I was able to borrow my son’s horse and he picked up with a Rino mount for the remainder of the day / night. We played into the early hours of Sunday morning, and it was certainly a blast!

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