Hobbit Plays: 03.08.24 – 03.10.24

Hobbit Plays News

Ugh! Daylight Savings Time! We hates it, Precious! We hates it, PRECIOUSSSSSSS! I mean anyone else feel like they were robbed on Sunday? Amirite!? Other than the loss of an hour this weekend, it was certainly packed with some gaming and great times! The introduction to Hell Let Loose and Helldivers 2, along with my son’s schedule, meant we got to play a bit later on Sunday evening. While a buddy or two has all but dropped out of the mix for our gaming group lately, we’ve added a long time friend that has recently joined the PC gamers category. Bubbles, (or one of several names he’s had over the past 1.5 weeks), and longtime family friend (effectively adopted child you might say) has been frequenting our gaming sessions since he picked up a gaming rig! All that said, our children, and Bubbles are beyond the age of early childhood, as they are all in their early 20s at this point. He’s been my son’s best friend some they were in something like the 6th grade. 🙂

Days played: All week

Players: Hobbit

Comments: More of the typical daily quests, event dailies, farming and SW shenanigans!

Days played: Thursday

Players: Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: We hit up a little bit of Red Dead Online on Thursday, but otherwise the change of pace with the onset of some different games, interrupted our progress there. We haven’t given up on it just yet, just a slight break in the scheduling you might say. (At least I think thus far). As far as I can tell, all of us are REALLY enjoying Hell Let Loose, and thus it’s has certainly been one of the peak interests for us in terms of our gaming choices of late. I suspect RDO to be back in the mix once the newness of HLL wanes a bit on the group.

Days played: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Players: Bubbles, Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: This game is amazing and our group can’t seem to get enough of it! As I’ve probably already stated a few times, this is not your typical kill to death ratio game! The game is put together incredibly well, and the fact that your can’t just obliterate the time with kill / spawn combinations makes it a very nice change of pace from the average royal battle style that seems to dominate the market these days. You must gain territory! Our group did change the play style up a bit over the weekend game sessions, with several of us coming out of the comfort zones to try different roles. My favorite thus far has been the medic, because my kill ratio just isn’t great, and I feel like I at least add some usefulness to my team with the revives. That said though, I tried the Spotter quite a bit over the weekend, and I feel like Squad Leader wouldn’t be a bad option for me, since I can mark enemy targets, place Outposts, and Garrisons (upon Commander Orders) to assist where I can. On an interesting turn of events, I have managed to add a few kills to my list of objectives and achievements. I started the game as a rifleman, but moved fairly quickly into the medic role, so I was something like level (rank) 32 or 33 before I got my first kill! LOL, hilarious and embarrassing, but true none-the-less. As a Medic, I ran around with either bandages or the revive ability in hand, and rarely even pulled a weapon up. Still, I’m looking forward to some more Hell Let Loose game sessions as scheduling allows. My son and I do wakeup early on week days here and there to get in some matches, but alas the Daylight Savings Time has already put that to a rough start this week!

Days played: Unknown (at this point)

Players: Bubbles, Error, Hobbit

Comments: Our current group makeup is typically around the 3 – 5 player mark, so we are not always able to make this game work in terms of including everyone. Even still, we managed to get some HD2 sessions in over the weekend, mostly just ‘diving’ in when we had the numbers that worked since the cap is at 4. I love this game quite a bit as well. It reminds me a lot of Deep Rock Galactic and perhaps even a bit of No Man’s Sky (mostly the graphics and planets in play there) with a different theme. The grind is certainly real! It is challenging, fun, and the team work required to succeed make it a somewhat unique experience for me. All but one of us in our current group has it, but we always try to play a game everyone has when we are available. Thus HLL did get the majority of our gaming sessions this weekend, but the final member of our group has already stated they are looking into it, so it’s possible that could change. I feel like HD2 would be a great fit for those sessions where we know we can’t afford a 1.5+ hour game of something in between breaks, or what not. Even still, it’s certainly a game where you can put in an all day session and get something out of it!