Deep Rock Galactic: The Great Egg Hunt


Ghostship Games announced the start of a seasonal event for DRG today via an official post on their Discord server. It’s been awhile since I’ve got to yell, Rock & Stone! at the Spacebar! Alas, DRG only supports up to 4 players and our group tends to be in the 5+-ish range. I’m sure the time will come again relatively soon. You can take a peek at the message on their Steam Website.

Hello Miners,
The Great Egg Hunt is officially live in Deep Rock Galactic! And it runs until Thursday, April 4th at 13:00 CET.

You can catch the full breakdown in the preview post – but in an eggshell, here’s what’s coming:

  • Snag the new Basket Case seasonal cosmetic by completing a limited-time assignment.
  • Expand your seasonal hat collection even further via the Last Year’s Spring Fashion assignment, granting hats from Egg Hunts past.
  • Catch a Double Performance Pass Bonus by depositing a Mechanical Spring Bunny during your missions.
  • Experience the thrill of pollen allergies aboard the Space Rig because we filled it with flowers.

Speaking of holiday celebrations, the Ghost Ship offices are closed for bank holidays for a good chunk of next week. That mostly just means we won’t be doing our usual dev streams on Thursday and Friday. But don’t worry, the game’s still gonna be running and everything.

Oh also – we’d like to say a big shiny congratulations to our friends at Funday Games.
Last week, they officially marked one million copies sold of Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor! Great work gang.

Alright, that’s all for now. Hope everybody’s doing well!

With Love,
-The Ghost Ship Crew