Hobbit Plays: 12.30.24 – 01.05.25

Hobbit Plays News

Yet another weekend chalked full of gaming adventures with Qvaid and myself in Outward and Error, Kilen, and myself in World of WarCraft.

Error did pick up The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria for Kilen, me, and himself. Kilen has already been diving into it here and there, as I’ve noted via the Steam Friend List numerous times. I also watched him stream a bit of it over the weekend as well. Error and I went ahead and picked up the two DLCs available for it. Yule Tide Pack, which was free, and the Rohan Pack which was priced decently. I did make sure Kilen was aware that we had already picked that up.

Ultimately even with skipping Saturday this weekend, I still had a lot of fun over the course of the week. The Outward adventures with Qvaid and the things we’ve overcome with the new characters, new faction, and our second run of this marvelous game have me always looking forward to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. During holidays and time off on those days we get a bit of extra time to play, albeit, it is somewhat rare.

Gaming with Nobodies Heroes (or as I call us at least) is also always a blast. Most of them do not really care for story line, and tend to rush things at times which can somewhat take away from the over all experience for me, but even with that said, I really enjoy gaming with all of them. We’ve come to a bit of a compromise over the years, and I still get time to enjoy the story, cinematics, and such here and there. It’s just a tad bit more rushed than when I game with Qvaid, as she is just as much interested in it all as I am.

Honorable mentions go out to: The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria as Kilen played a decent amount, and Error at least started making a character for it. I’ve downloaded it, and got the DLCs ready for it. Aces and Kilen also had at least a game or two (perhaps more as they were still playing as I called it Sunday evening) of Hell Let Loose. Falken and Iron had at least a day or so of Valheim over the course of the weekend as well. I believe Iron got tied up after Friday, but I noted Falken on at least a few times over the course of the weekends entirety.

Days played: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Players: Qvaid, Hobbit

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Over the course of Monday – Wednesday, Qvaid and I were able to finally put an end to the tyranny of the Sirocco Nobles. We defeated the Crimson Avatar and managed to finish up the build for New Sirocco. I admit, we did rush through it a bit faster than we managed on our first run. A good portion of it we still had memory of, so the over all process just did go a bit faster. We also made use of the method where you can help build for 7 days and pass time quite a bit more than our first run. We went with the City Hall upgraded to the Embassy, the Food Store upgraded to the Communal Garden, the Blacksmith Shop upgraded to the Armor Forge, the Alchemy Shop upgraded to Fletcher’s Workshop, the Chapel upgraded to the Lotus of Light (We are Holy Mission), and finally the Arena upgraded too the Combat Academy.

Qvaid and I farmed enough in the Arena to pick up a combat skill each. I got the one for 1 handed swords, and she picked up the skill for 2 handed swords. We both are fairly happy with the use of said skills and the over all out come. My skill has a high cool down with no other negatives, I suspect due to the high cool down. Qvaid’s skill has a minor negative effect with a low cool down, and the skill itself has a much lower cool down than my own. It feels relatively balanced at least from our perspective. It’s also a skill that Qvaid has made quite a bit more use of over the course of our adventures since she got it.

By Wednesday evening we had all of the adventures for New Sirocco at a close, and we decided it was time to pack up some of our supplies and head back to Harmattan to start the Rush and Vengeance Quest line. We were off to a good start, before time finally caught up too us and we did head off to bed a little bit early to catch up on sleep from all the late nights gaming during the New Years holiday.

Thursday: One thing I did forget to mention above, is that I reviewed the Sheenshots Boom Build video again, and while I didn’t take the same route he did in terms of classes, I did model the attempt greatly off it. I was hoping to get a better grasp of melee combat in this run, and my initial attempts were quite a bit of a failure. That said, after taking another look, changing some skills I had on my hot bar, and a bit of practice; I feel like I’ve made some pretty good progress at that goal.

Qvaid and I adventure through several of the dungeons for Rust and Vengeance. We have 2 of the 4 keys needed to face off against the Rust Lich, and made full clears of all the dungeons we’ve come across thus far: Abandoned Living Quarters, The Foundry, The Warehouse, and the Manufacturing Facility. We ended the night back in Harmattan to rest up and resupply for our next adventure out to the Test Chambers!

Days played: Friday, Sunday

Players: Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Friday evening I was able to finally finish up The War Within Campaign. I can now have an Earthen character for both the Alliance and Horde factions. Kilen and I mostly ran through things solo on Friday and if memory serves me, we also did the World Bosses and completed the weekly quest for the WoW 20th Anniversary. Given our play times, this weekend would be the last time we get to run those quests and events before the Anniversary comes to a close. I believe that will be the 7th of this week. Kilen and I both called it relatively early for a Friday night, but the holiday scheduling did have me a bit more sleep deprived than usual. I was happy to get some extra rest myself.

Sunday morning-ish, Error started by catching up his Horde character to where Kilen and I left off. I asked him what he was in the mood to do, and he said he’d really like to play that level 70 Void Elf Warrior he created with the character boost. I got on my druid, and straightened out my skills a bit, and we were joined by Kilen a bit later after he made a level 70 Earthen Hunter with his character boost. Our initial plan was to hit TWW to start some questing. Mostly because, while I’ve had a higher level druid at some point, I wanted a bit of a chance to use skills and get refreshed on the character class.

We got started on that process, and it eventually Error and Kilen decided we should hit some dungeon runs. It got off to a rocky start as I haven’t played a healer in some time, and Error hadn’t run damage in some time. He got on the wrong set of mobs and went down because he was out of range from me while I was healing the rest of the group. It was just some rookie mistakes we made on our initial attempt.

Fortunately we recovered fairly quickly, and by the end of it, I had at least the general principle of the ropes down. I made some adjustments to my skills and changed my Heroic Talents once we got out of the dungeon. That, however was the end of the run as it was later afternoon by that point. Kilen had to step away to take care of some things.

I ran Error through the first 6 crates in the WoW 20th Anniversary so he could pick up some armor skins from a vendor, and he called it shortly after that.

I took the time to take a break myself several times through the course of the day, and had plans to tinker with another character at some point. Ultimately, I got back on my main character and walked through quests in Hallow Fall until I had finished up the achievement for the area. I believe that means I’ve completed all of the quests there at this point, save for world and repeatable quests?

From there I moved to Azj-Kahet, but decided to call it a night after I got a few of those quests knocked out.

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