Hobbit Plays: 11.11.24 – 11.17.24

Hobbit Plays News

Another great week of gaming, as usual! We had some hiccups here and there on a few days, of course. Ultimately though, it was still a fantastic time. Time with family, friends, and guild members, whom I’m sure will be friends at some point!

It would seem Qvaid and I are coming near a close to the current Outward adventures we have going in this play through. Which is not to say we might not start a new game to run through another faction, maybe a mix of classes this time around.

Qvaid and I both have really enjoyed all that Outward Definitive Edition has to offer. I’m hopeful when we do finally bring our current run to a close, that we might pick back up on new characters, choose a new faction, and maybe a change of classes, and make another attempt at running it again. Although, I’d hold no ill will if for some reason Qvaid is ready to move to another game at that point. The adventures we’ve had in Outward have been amazing, and I can understand if she’s ready to see what other games might bring to the table. That said, I’d certainly hold no ill will if she decided she wanted to take another run at the game!

I had an absolute epic time in World of Warcraft this weekend! I made level 80 on my warrior, I got quite a few gear upgrades, in some cases, even multiple upgrades for the same slots. I watched the 30th Anniversary Event from Blizzard, and got two free mounts. I also managed to get a World Drop mount from a Raid: Azure Worldchiller for my warrior (or account since the mounts are shared). Error has turned out to be an incredible healer! I’m back in one of my favorite roles in RPGs as a protection spec’ed tank!

We still have people missing in a sense that we can’t completely say, “The gang is back!”. To be fair, we have tried to coax quite a few of the gang back, but alas, life, scheduling, or in some cases, just “It’s not for me.” have come to the front of our attempts, but we’ve managed to have fun for those of us that decided to return and give WoW the ole try again!

Days played: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Players: Qvaid, Hobbit

Comments: Monday evening, Qvaid and I picked back up in Monsoon where we left off. We traveled over to Under Island, which was a dungeon we never got around to exploring from a visit to recruit the Ash Giants to the Blue Chamber Collective. We had plans to visit a few of the dungeons we had not been too in Hallowed Marsh.

Unfortunately, we were a bit unprepared as we never attempted to open the door on our previous visit. It turns out you need a collection of gems to access the door. Anxious to see what might lie beyond said door, we rushed back to Monsoon to our home, accessed our stash and gathered all the gems we needed to move forward. We rushed back to Under Island and opened the door with the required gems.

As it turns out it’s a single room with a few Trogs and a bit of loot. I was happy to get the Fabulous Palladium Shield, for a possible use on another character down the line. My original build was going to be something with a shield, but I opted to go full on Mage. Qvaid prefers the two handed weapons, and her plans on the next run (should that happen) are also two handed related.

From there we wanted to face off against the Plague Doctor in Hallowed Marsh. It’s fascinating that not only one but TWO liches reside in this area! We headed over to the Dark Ziggurat and fought our way to his lair. It just so happens, he’s actually a rather nice ole chap. He only wanted to duel. He’s been consuming the corruption in Aurai for some time, although the introduction of the Scourge has made it difficult for even him to keep up. We managed to defeat him, and he offered to make us a selection of Tsar Weapons. Now, we only have 2 Tsar Stones available at this time, but I use magic, so it should certainly fall to Qvaid for anything she might use, because I certainly would not have a real use for it. We needed the materials, so once again, we traveled back to Monsoon and gathered the items from our Stash. Back to the Dark Ziggurat to craft the weapon of choice for Qvaid.

Ultimately, Qvaid choose to go with the Tsar Claymore as she prefers the two handed swords at this point. By this point, it was getting fairly late in the evening, so we camped just outside of the entrance to the Plague Doctor’s lair and will pick back up from there as scheduling allows!

On Tuesday evening, Qvaid and I hit a few more dungeons and cleared them (save for the Jade Quarry) where we could. Since we’d already paid visits to the other dungeons, we headed to Chersonese.

We fought our way to Cierzo, and resupplied, and got some much needed rest. We tinker around the area for a bit, before ultimately deciding it was time to head back to New Sirocco to see how the construction of the Arena was coming.

As it turns out, we had been gone long enough and the construction was complete. We stocked up on some foods and potions, and tried our luck in the Arena for a bit. We lost our first battle, but managed to take down the rest of them. We were upgrading the Arena construction with materials we had already got ready, and were well on our way to a completed run. We decided to take a week to assist with the construction and cut down on the 25 day timer required to complete it.

After that, we tried our luck in the arena again, but had a rotten start on the same fight we lost previously. This time it started before we were buffed, mostly due to an unfortunate movement before we were ready. Somehow we still managed to come out victorious this time however! We faced off against a few more foes, and had to call it a night to get ready for bed at that point.

On Wednesday evening, Qvaid and I ran some more arenas, and did some crafting in New Sirocco. We also spent another 7 days assisting with construction in attempts to get the upgrade to the Arena ready a bit sooner rather than later. The over all time spent playing was cut short due to a plumbing emergency, but even still we did have fun in the bit of time that we managed before that came around.

Thursday evening, while a bit out of sorts for scheduling, Qvaid and I decided to play another day. After all, Wednesday was a bit of a bust due to the plumbing emergency. We got a short session in of Arena runs, where we were successfully taking on every fight! We ran through a few of those, but the exhaustion of the week set in, so we decided to call it an early night for a change. We headed off to watch SheenShots Outward videos, but both of us ended up passing out!

Days played: Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Players: Aces, Error, Kilen, Hobbit, 2 x guild members

Comments: Friday evening, I mostly played my Evoker solo working through quests in Dragonflight while gathering herbs and mining minerals in the areas I visited. I did make a run to Stormwind and the Caverns of Time for a bit to break up the monotony. At some point later in the evening, Aces joined me and we ran through some dungeons for a bit. Quite a few to be fair, although in attempts to not be up too late, I did have to call it with plans to meet back up on Saturday for some more WoW adventures.

Saturday, Error, Kilen, and I started out the day with more dungeon runs. We are trying to get gear for our characters so we can move on to Heroics, Mythics, and maybe even a bit of raiding later on. We managed quite a decent number of runs, before we all took a break for awhile.

Later on Saturday we all met back up again, and Aces joined us after a bit where we continued the dungeon runs and shenanigans of chat through Discord. Error and Kilen had to call it at some point, and Aces, 2 X guildies, and I moved to running some World Boss Raids. I managed to get several pieces of gear upgraded along with the Azure Worldchiller flying mount from Doomwalker! Truly an amazing day of gaming for me!

On Sunday, Error, Kilen, and I ran some more dungeons, and a bit of some exploration. Error called it a bit earlier than usual, although to be fair, we all kind of did. Kilen and I played a bit longer running through some Archaeology as we are both interested in the possibility of the mount you can get from it? Granted neither of us is sure if that is still a thing or not? We both rolled through that until we were either close too or over somewhere around 100 skill points, and I needed to call it shortly after finishing up the last dig site I was at.

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