Hobbit Plays: 10.28.24 – 11.03.24

Hobbit Plays News

Another glorious week of gaming for this Hobbit! In truth, I wasn’t sure how the weekend was going to go. A vast majority of the gang has been busy with life, chores, evil foosball (football season), and other various interruptions. I decided I was going to play WoW and if no one was on, I’d just quest my way into some adventures, story, and cinematics to my hearts content.

I’ve started quite a few characters over the course of this play through, and I’ve culled quite a few as well from other servers that I figured I’d never get around to playing again. I saved a select few that held great sentimental value. I also had restored one character I deleted in haste, and decided to restore for now at least. Although I admit it does still seem unlikely that I’ll get around to playing any of those characters again at this point. In the past several of those servers were certainly home to many of us. It’s a home we often miss when we think of all the adventures we shared. Sadly though, the majority of the people that made those servers our home have long since moved on. It makes traversing those lands a bit somber. The adventures we seek in those distant lands of the past are no longer there. I’m content to see what adventures I might find in the new home of, Deathwing!

On Saturday, the weekend too a turn for the better for Error and I! Kilen, finally decided to hop into some of the WoW adventures! I admit, I was really starting to wonder if he was just going to sit this set of adventures out entirely!? Fortunately, he finally came around, and on Saturday and Sunday we were all 3 back into the swing of adventuring together! (You can read more about that below in the World of Warcraft section).

Iron never made it on, at least that I noticed, and one of the people I thought would be the most interested, Falken still hasn’t come around to my knowledge at least. Kilogre was on, but his play times were a bit sporadic and he must have been busy as he never messaged me to see about getting anything rolling. We did have some chats here and there as scheduling allowed a bit later. We were both fairly busy in one manner or another in game, so most of the chatter came later as we were calling it a night.

Days played: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Players: Qvaid, Hobbit

Comments: Monday evening, Qvaid and I were back in New Sirocco and ready to start working on the City construction again!

It was great to be back in New Sirocco again. The houses and buildings we left under construction were done, and it was so cool to see how the city was starting to prosper in our absence. The additions we made allowed the City to generate positive income, food, and even the timber and stone had managed to stack up a bit as well.

We started the adventures by some more dungeon crawling in Caldera. Mostly trying to pay attention to the way the Ark of the Exiles moved around the zone, since we knew we’d have a quest coming up concerning that. We cleared a few dungeons and managed to get a few samples collected in preparation for the upcoming buildings we would need to build.

It was another night where we stayed up quite a bit later than we intended. It’s so easy to do that in Outward Definitive Edition. It really is an amazing game, chalked full of challenge, action, adventure, puzzles, and story. Qvaid and I finished up the night with some inventory management, resupplying our packs to prep for more adventure on Tuesday evening!

On Tuesday evening, Qvaid and I decided we should probably move forward with the New Sirocco quest line.

We spoke with Evangeline, and she told us about more construction. Initially, Qvaid and I both were a bit confused. She didn’t mention anything of what we needed to do next to sate the needs of the City. There were hints, sure, but nothing we felt gave us a direct path to be successful.

My guess is the progression we had already done while the quest was in stasis might have been the root cause of that. Shortly after, I came back to her to hand in some samples, and she let me know we needed to find an Old Sirocco Noble to find out how they controlled the Djinn! It was all starting to make sense again!

We needed to find the Noble on the Ark of the Exile (although she does mention we might find one at the Arena controlled by the Calygrey. I’m not sure if it typically works out this way, or it was just sheer coincidence, but the Ark happened to be in just the spot we needed to get to the Noble! We headed on over to the Ark, and started our journey to once again help the City of New Sirocco with the needs of the citizens. First we talked with the Noble, whom I suspect was a disciple of the Scarlet Lady. Mostly because he turned into a Crimson Emissary and tried to kill us once we took the Amulet needed to bargain with the Djinn.

Once we had the amulet in our possession, we headed straight to the Oil Refinery to see if we could talk the Djinn into aiding us. Unfortunately for us, the Djinn wasn’t in the mood to bargain, and the use of force was a necessary tactic we had to rely on. Even still, after the battle, the Djinn was willing to aid the city of New Sirocco in exchange for the promise that we would destroy the amulet binding him to our world, and free him for any further forced services. We agreed, and he met us back in New Sirocco with the Emberheart already in place and use. Evangeline agreed we would destroy the amulet as promised, and we are now at a point where we can build new buildings and rest so long as we don’t start the next line of the quest with Evangeline.

Qvaid and I decided we should probably try to get a bit more rest, given the prior weeks and recent gaming sessions, and so we prepared for our next set of adventures and called it a night shortly after starting the build of the Blacksmith Shop, and upgrade to the City Hall. We wanted to build the alchemist’s shop as well, but we lack the materials at this time to do so.

Wednesday evening, Qvaid and I struggled on whether or not to start the next quest for New Sirocco or to just farm out materials again. Ultimately we opted to just hold off a bit.

We wandered around Caldera trying to see if we could procure another Gep’s Blade. I was hoping to get the 1 handed version for the next play through with a shield and sword combo, more focused on melee a bit. Although I have to admit the combination Qvaid and I had works out really well in Co-Op most of the time. I’m a pure mage build, and she is a pure melee build.

We visited the friendly Immaculate again, and also went to the Tower of Regrets. No luck on the samples for the tower, but we did manage to nab one here and there in Caldera during our travels. We decided to visit the Calygrey Colosseum. Qvaid and I did a couple battles there, but decided to call it after resting up at the entrance. We are ready to leave the Colosseum, rested up, repairs complete, and prepared for the next set of adventures that await!

Days played: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Players: Aces, Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: On Monday morning, I received a work call for assistance. Once I got all that wrapped up, I had some time to spare before my work day officially started. I decided to hop into World of Warcraft and get a bit of questing down on, um, my Paladin. Currently, I run my priest with my son (Error), and Kilogre. My druid has started adventuring with Iron, so that really only left my Paladin open at this time for a bit of adventure. I’m hopeful at some point (in the near future), we’ll all be on the same page and level and can run together. My thoughts on that, are I’ll probably be on my priest for a good group composition. The early morning gaming sessions tend to be solo for obvious reasons. I don’t have to start my day (typically speaking) until around 8:30 AM CST, by that point most of our gaming buddies are at work already, or in route. I also can’t really get into a scenario during work hours where I can’t drop what I’m doing and focus on work, which is why I don’t fancy the idea of starting any groups, dungeon runs, etc… Mostly I just do something where it doesn’t really matter if I have to bounce at a moments notice. I do still love me some early gaming at times. It’s too bad, I’m not really a ‘morning person’.

Another World of Warcraft set of adventures started for me on Thursday morning (before the work day started). I was back on my Paladin grinding through quests in the Lich King time line! Over all, I managed to get a decent number of them completed before it was time to head back to the inn and rest up for more adventuring later on this evening (schedule willing!).

On Thursday evening, I was alone again. I decided to use the time to run my Paladin through some of the Caverns of Time quests for the 20th WoW Anniversary. I found them to be quite a bit of fun myself. I listened to a few stories during the Story Time, participated in a Mount Mania or so, and headed into Tanaris to do a quest for the Warband thing. I can now summon the Warband bank module every 4 hours or so on any character. After I got done with as much as I could there, I didn’t really have time to start any dungeon runs to finish up a few of the quests. I decided to make a Dracthyr Evoker. I played through a bit of that story line, and found I was really liking that class and story! This of course meant I was going through a quest line I recently did with my son, but I was fine with that, as I wanted to test out the race, class, and story. I was really enjoying all it had too offer. (New Solo Character, perhaps!?)

On Friday evening, I started out my World of Warcraft adventures alone again. That’s not really a complaint mind you. I’ve been really enjoying playing again, and I just bid my time with quests and such on whatever character I’m playing. Which happened to be the recently created Evoker I made! I can take my time, absorb the story, no fear that I’m holding anyone back, etc… A bit later in the evening, Aces hopped into WoW and offered to run some dungeons with me. We poured through quite a few until it was quite early on Saturday morning for me. I had to call it there, and I believe based on his comments, Aces was calling it soon as well. I would like to add that running the dungeons, and chat in Discord was certainly a great bit of fun!

On Saturday, Error and I got a later start playing WoW, although it was earlier afternoon. We hopped back on the Paladin (Error), Priest (Me) combination and started questing while we waited for anyone to join us. At some point our good friend, Kilen decided it was finally time he joined us! He started a Dracthyr Rogue, and Error and I logged off to start new characters so he wouldn’t have to make the journey alone. Given the fact that Dracthyr start at level 10 now (they used to be confined to the Evoker class), Error and I knew we’d either have to start a Dracthyr, or play a bit of catch up to get up to Kilen’s level. After a bit of thought, Error opted to start a Dracthyr Priest, and I decided to play a Dracthyr Warrior. Error and I did have to still play a bit of catch up, as Kilen hit the ground running. In the end, we managed to catch up to him and we were all on the same quest line at that point. We rolled through quests until Kilen’s brother Aces logged in, and it was time for some DUNGEON RUNS! DNC, (another guild member and friend of ours) logged in shortly after, and for the first time in a literal age we had a full group of friends playing World of Warcraft at the same time! And Dungeon Runs we did! Until the early morning hours of Sunday! It was a fantastic bit of adventure! Just the fact that we had a small group of friends all playing together brought back a flood of memories and nostalgia of our previous adventures in WoW. It was truly an amazing time! Unfortunately, time was starting to catch up to us all, and we did call it a bit earlier than we did on Friday. I mean we all got to sleep at some point, right? 🙂

Sunday, Error and I managed to get a much earlier start. To our surprise Aces and Kilen were already on, and it would seem that Kilen was able to get a fairly decent jump ahead of Error and I. Fortunately we can all still quest and run dungeons together, no matter the level, so we still managed. We got to run a few dungeons with Aces and Kilen before Aces had to call it for the better part of the afternoon / day. Error, Kilen, and I got some bags from the auction house, did some inventory management and repairs, and then hopped in a few more dungeon runs before dinner. After dinner we played again for a bit more with Kilen, until the end of the weekend was upon us, and it was time for Error and shortly after myself to call it a night. I ended up calling it a bit early for a Sunday night as well, but alas, the sleep deprivation was starting to catch up too me!

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