Destiny 2: Update


Bungie announced Update for Destiny 2 yesterday afternoon on their Official Discord. In truth, the majority of our group hasn’t been playing Destiny 2 lately. No word from Liquidd on the matter either as it were. I find it to be a fun and challenging game, although I have some fairly rotten luck with the jump puzzles in some cases! We still have a variety of games going on the plate at this time, and I suspect it will be some time still before we cycle back around to D2. You can take a peek at the official patch message on Bungie’s website, here.

Destiny 2 Update

Sep 10, 2024 – Destiny 2 Dev Team


Grandmaster Nightfall 

  • Fixed an issue where the catchup node wasn’t available for players that had completed six different Grandmaster Nightfalls. 


Trials of Osiris 

  • Fixed an issue where players could retain Special ammo between rounds. 

Exotic Missions 


  • Fixed an issue where progression could be blocked in the final boss encounter if the player had to repeat either the left or the right capture ring. 
  • Fixed an issue where depositing a Connection Module too early during a certain section of the mission could trigger a team wipe. 
  • Set the text and waypoint of a certain step of the final boss encounter sequence to always appear on-screen to help clarify the need to repeat the sequence from the beginning after a DPS window ends. 

Gameplay and Investment 


  • Fixed an issue where Eriana’s Vow was not correctly dealing 67% increased damage to Barrier Champions.
    • In addition, removed a -40% scalar the weapon had for dealing damage against Barrier Champion shields. 



Threaded Specter

  • Increased cooldown duration of Marksman Dodge and Gambler’s Dodge when Threaded Specter is equipped.
  • Removed dodge cooldown penalty after creating clone. 
  • If the clone is destroyed by attacks, it no longer spawns Threadlings. 
  • Increased the amount of time the clone will distract nearby combatants before exploding. 

Snare Bomb

  • Reduced the time the Smoke Bomb projectile lingers in the world from 10s to 3.5s. 
  • Reduced the player movement speed penalty imparted by the smoke by 25%. 


  • Fixed an issue where some players had the Twilight Arsenal Super unlocked for Prismatic, but not their Void subclass. 


  • Swarm Grenade
    • Increased Swarm Grenade base cooldown duration by 15%.
    • Moved Swarm Grenade to a slower recharge tier for non-passive grenade-energy gains. 


Fireteam Finder

  • Fixed an issue where Encore would not appear as an option in Fireteam Finder.
    • Due to Fireteam Finder display criteria, players should only expect to see entries (Standard and Expert) for the version of the mission they can currently launch from the HELM. 

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