Baldur’s Gate 3: Patch # 7 Live


I missed the initial memo, but apparently Larian Studios released Patch # 7 for BG3 yesterday some time! The changes for Patch # 7 mostly consist of evil endings, cinematics, and some changes to the settings that allow or restrict content. Some of the evil cinematics are apparently deemed to be pretty intense. We do have a campaign we started awhile back where we kind of take on an ‘evil’ like role, although I’ll admit it doesn’t come without some significant costs. There are quite a few things where your actions as a murder hobo lock you out of options available to players that play as a ‘hero’ of the realm. In some cases I was able to live with the choice, and in other cases I was a bit disappointed. I had hopes at some point that we’d play a ‘normal’ campaign alongside of the ‘evil’ campaign, but as time has passed, I’m not entirely sure that hope will come to fruition anytime in the near future. In any case, the patch message is a bit of a long one with some eye candy to gander at, so in this case, I’d suggest you take a peek at the official message on their Steam site, here, should you be interested.

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