Hobbit Plays: 07.29.24 – 08.04.24

Hobbit Plays News

Another busy, but certainly entertaining weekend for us all! As most things in life it was not without its breaks and interruptions, but we try to make the best of what we have. There was adventure, there was fun, there was camaraderie! All in all, I had a great time, and there was even a bit of variety in the mix as well! I did manage to get a little bit of time into Hogwarts Legacy, which I was very excited to do. I feel like I’m really going to love the game, and I certainly enjoy the Harry Potter world quite a bit. Error is still getting adjusted to the new schedule, and Kilen was under the weather for the start of the weekend, but we still managed to turn it around and get some gaming done, my friends! Falken and Iron decided to join us in Conan Exiles, and even Eldon managed to hop into some 7DtD with us for a bit. Just great gaming fun!

Days played: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Players: Qvaid, Hobbit

Comments: Qvaid and I got a late start in our Outward adventures on Monday evening. We were struggling with the cold weather change in Chersonese. Effectively we fought off the weather with camp fires, and soothing teas for the colds we frequently caught. Anyone else feel it is pure insanity how fast you go from I’m suddenly cold to I have a cold!? Anyway, we decided to fight the Wendigo in the open word of Chersonese, rather than running back to the bandit camp only to find we might end up having to run back. It so happened it was close to Cierzo, and we felt it would be good practice. Ladies and Gentleman, lo and behold! We died. In a somewhat hilarious situation, we ran back, drank our teas, put on our elemental buffs (via Lightning Wrags), and ran up to face our adversary again! It was uh, it was dead. Turns out Qvaid’s weapon bleed it out after we died. We managed a bit of grinding and prep to head back to the bandit camp to face that Wendigo on Tuesday for our next session.

On Tuesday evening, Qvaid and I prepared for our next Wendigo battle! I put my shield and fanged mace in my stash. Qvaid had moved to a ‘Prayer Claymore’ because she liked it more, and since she wasn’t going to use her Fanged Greathammer, she let me have it. We endured blistering winds and feverous cold as we stomped our way back to the bandit camp for the much desired revenge against the evil likes of the next Wendigo. We buffed right outside the door of the Bandit Prison (much like the previous Wendigo fight). We busted into the door, immediately dropped our back packs and ran into the room ready to face the evil before us. It was not waiting there. We ran into the cell we originally found it in. It was also not there. Half blind from leaving our backpacks at the door, we made our way back to it only to find… a dead wendigo that had apparently bleed out from Qvaid’s Fanged Great Hammer on our previous attempt! Qvaid grabbed the prison key from the Wendigo’s neck and looted the other rooms. We headed out to the Sigil to see what it might hold and faced off against a golem, while gaining a bit of undesired corruption. We did have a nice bit of combat with a bandit and hyena on the way there. From that point, it was mostly prep for our next adventure along with some crafting and gathering of resources. At some point in the night we did find that we could swap out our boots and helm for some gear more suited for the cold weather, and this allowed our Bitter Spicy Teas to help combat the weather much better. Ultimately we called it not long after that with hopes and dreams of what other possible adventures we might find later as scheduling allows.

On Wednesday evening, Qvaid and I were looking for a new adventure, and we decided to try our luck at Vendavel Fortress. It just so happened upon, we came across another Trogg Cave. We cleared the cave and headed off to the Fortress with high hopes of adventure, loot, and glory. We must have done something wrong on our initial break into the Fortress because we had to fight the boss and two adds, but eventually we were able to beat Crock down. We broke into the armory and prison and looted to our hearts content. The looting scenario go so crazy we ended up having to scrap quite a few iron weapons and left all kinds of bows, arrows, and other trivial loot there. We headed deeper into the Fortress and managed to defeat Rospa and more guards. We made our way into the prison and cleared it of guards, but noticed none of the prisoners would talk to us any longer. It appears the situation with selling iron scraps to the prisoners has been removed. We were both beaten pretty badly by this point, and decided to test whether or not we could rest in the prison. In a cell with two beds we got the much needed rest and full health. We moved on to fight Balira. It was a bit of a fight, but we came out successful and cleared the entire fortress of the foes of Ceirzo! Unfortunately we did it before taking on our faction quest, and we didn’t know about some of the other possible quest lines. Truthfully, we are ok with that. While the Preservation Backpack would have been nice, we took the honorable route over all. What a grand adventure it turned out to be! SheenShots recommendation for traps certainly played a key role on our over all success! We started watching his videos on a semi regular basis since we started Outward and came across his channel. Qvaid and I like his content so much I added him to the CCs page on the website.

Days played: Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Players: Error, Eldon, Falken, Iron, Hobbit

Comments: It was a bit of a late start on Thursday evening, but Falken, Iron, and I managed to run some quests for the trader in 7DtD. Error and Kilen were both MIA, with Error being at work, and Kilen under the weather. I called it a bit early as Falken had already called it, and Iron had to step away for some time, and hadn’t returned. We are in need of Steel, which meant I gathered some clay and iron, along with a bit over a stack of lead. The mine I started previously and covered seems to have a decent set of resources although only time will tell whether or not it pays off, it just ends up being a barren hole of stone or base world material. According to Falken and Iron, the serverconfig string to disable Quest Progression limitations was a success. In truth, I’m still baffled on why The Fun Pimps thought that was a necessary restriction. If you have time to do more than 3 or 4 trader quests per day, then why hold a player back?

On Friday evening, Falken, Iron, and myself managed a bit of some trader quests and a bit of scavenging, before ultimately Falken was getting ready to turn in. Iron and I moved to gathering resources, and at some point I managed to collapse the mine I had north of our base. It was a pretty significant collapse as it were, and Iron headed back to the base to gather some resources, while I started prep to repair the damage I caused. Unfortunately, the one and only nail gun we had at the time was on Falken, and neither of us could make one. Thus, I spent a huge portion of Friday night upgrading building blocks to concrete with a level 1 claw hammer. It…took…forever…, but ultimately I was able to get it fixed and in better shape. I moved back to the base, and started taking off the first layer of topsoil so we could get a concrete barrier around our base until the time caught up with me and I noted it was almost time for the server too reboot. I decided to call it there for the night.

Saturday morning, my son and I hopped up and did a bit of scavenging, later joined by Falken to mix it with some trader quests. Falken had to call it for some RL shenanigans, and my son and I moved to some base improvements for some time. Eldon graced us with his presence for some time, but was going back and forth between 7DtD and Diablo IV. I have loved every Diablo game I have every played, but I’ve yet to even purchase the latest addition to the series. Perhaps in time, but for now, I’m certainly content with the mix of games we have on our plate. In any case, I managed to complete the concrete shield for the base perimeter, and Error did some painting on the base, both underground and a bit on the surface, before we decided to log off for a bit to join Kilen in Conan Exiles, whom logged in very late in the day, and had just managed to hop into Discord.

Days played: Friday

Players: Hobbit

Comments: Friday evening got off to a late start, and as I found only myself on for gaming for awhile, I decided to use some of that time to continue my adventures in Hogwarts Legacy. I managed to solve a door puzzle I left off on from my previous (long ago) session, and started working on some of the quests. I made it up to the point where I joined a dueling Wizard’s club, got my first victory, and spoke with Professor Weasley about my lost belongings, and an upcoming trip to Hogsmeade. Prior to the trip I needed to speak with Professor Ronen, where a quick bit of the Revelio spell garnered me the pages he had me seek out, and I returned to him in preparation to turn them in. At that point I noted Falken had jumped into Discord and was already logging into 7 Days to Die, so I called it there for the day. With the busy schedule we had this weekend, I didn’t manage to get back to my Hogwarts adventures, but I will try to make another attempt at some point as the time slips by. 🙂

Days played: Saturday, Sunday

Players: Error, Kilen, Falken, Iron, Hobbit

Comments: By later afternoon Saturday, Error, Kilen, and I were back in the exiled lands of Conan for some grand adventures. We technically started with a bit of inventory management, and I was doing some building on the new base. I managed to complete the walls, a ceiling style room, and I started working on a thatch roof. It had been so long since we’ve done a larger build, I just couldn’t remember what I needed to do to get the pieces working. I called that for the time being and joined Error and Kilen to help gather some Thralls for our new base, and we later moved to a bit of the daunting moving process of brining supplies, pets, thralls, and gear to the new base. Falken and Iron hopped into Discord periodically to let us know they were downloading CE and would be joining us sometime soon, although they were not sure if it would be Saturday since it is a rather large game. Error, Kilen, and I ran a dungeon to finish out the night, and after they had both called it, and I was alone to my own devices, I started working on the new base again. I managed to solve the puzzle of the roof, and had it in pretty decent shape by the time I called it a night in the early hours of Sunday morning (effectively).

On Sunday, Error, Kilen, and I were back at it again. I started with a bit of work to the base. It was built entirely with Sandstone, but we had some supplies now, after we continued the moving and gathering process a bit. I upgraded a decent bit of the base to Stone Brick, which I think looks rather nice in comparison to the Sandstone portions. Still a bit more work to do over all, and even the moving process isn’t complete, but it’s starting to shape up at least for the resources we have to build with currently. Falken and Iron joined the mix at some point, and we continued the ever endless hunt for more Thralls to fill the much needed roles of our base and provide us with new recipes, armor, weapons, etc… Sunday had quite a bit of interruptions for the lot of us, and while I was away, Falken and Iron had to call it. Error, Kilen, and I continued the adventures until later in the evening on Sunday where we all ended up having to call it to prep for the next week.

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