NH Changes


I’ve made some changes to a few of the pages on the website, along with the menu. Hopefully for the better, some of it was a bit rushed, so there could be some alterations coming after I get more time to review them.

  • Games list – defined a set of current statuses and walked through all of the lists to get them more in line with consistency.
  • Games – Menu – I added a page for the link in the menu, along with a current status legend and a brief description of the legend and games listed
  • NH Plays – Added a new page to track the games currently being played by the majority of our NH group, along with Qvaid and Hobbit.

The majority of the changes came from the desire to bring consistency to the games list and their current status, along with the ability to easily display what games were currently being played at least by default by the majority of our group.

Happy Gaming All! 🙂

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