Trine 5: Complete


During our Tuesday night gaming session, my wife and I completed Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy. This would mark the final game in the Trine series (at least at the time of this post), and conclude our adventures in Trine for now. We have completed all 5 of the Trine games! This would be one of those bitter sweet moments. My wife and I enjoyed these games very much, and in truth, we are a bit sad to see it come to a close. At least until the next Trine game releases. I’m hopeful that another installment will be in the future! I suspect my wife is as well. I’ve mentioned it in several of my Hobbit Plays posts, that Trine 5 certainly felt larger and more challenging in comparison. My wife and I did manage to push through and had success, but ultimately the puzzles, combat, and gameplay over all was certainly the most challenging of the series. Needless to say, the Trine series of games was an amazing adventure! My wife and I are certainly hopeful another installment might be on the way in the somewhat near future!

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