Baldur’s Gate 3: Update 27


Larian Studios announced Update #27 Official Modding Support today via their Discord. For the majority of the community, I suspect this update might not quite be of a great deal of interest. From the other side of the spectrum, however, it can provide some interesting outcomes for everyone. Modding in most games can really provide for some great content additions. Anything from removing some aspects of the game the mod devs didn’t care for, to additional mechanics that the mod devs wanted, but were not present. In some cases, it spawns new content, and in more rare cases even ‘new games’. If I’m being honest, it’s rare I dabble in mods for most games I play. Generally, I like the game enough in the ‘vanilla’ state to just play it as it was intended. I have read cases where mods saved gaming communities, and as such I’d never shun the practice. Typically speaking though, it is not my thing. I do love to play with code and testing, and things of that nature, so who knows, maybe one day, I might try my luck at some mod development. If you’d like to take a peek at the official post, you can do so on their Steam site, here. In this particular case, the update doesn’t really mention any changes to the game per se, so much as just what ‘modding’ is along with some possible changes coming for this process, so I won’t include any of the information on this post.

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