Summoners War: Taking a break


To many that know me, this will likely come as a surprise, especially given the recent posts and discussions I’ve had. (Just the Hobbit Plays posts would show that I play SW a LOT). I’ve decided it is time for me to take a break from Summoners War again. I enjoy the game, but it’s not really one of those games I enjoy with ‘others’. Effectively what I mean there is, I game with my wife and I game with my friends. Those gaming experiences are far more fun to me than the enjoyment I get from Summoners War. It could be that I just don’t have enough friends playing, and sadly the nature of the game doesn’t really contribute to a great ‘social’ experience. That my friends, was the ONLY thing I missed about Raid Shadow Legends. The company behind RSL might have sucked, the content was mostly resource sapping con arts, but the community was great. Not to say that the community in SW wasn’t great in its own ways, just because the game spent so much time on the mobile platform, that many got in the habit of just farming, and never speaking. There isn’t a lot of chat in the guild I participate in. I don’t have the gall to say I’m retiring SW. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve took a break, only to return 3 to 6 months down the road. But for now, I’m signing out, and going to see what else I can muster with the time I save not running SW in the background constantly. To conclude my post about Summoners War, for the now at least:

“So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish”

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