Hobbit Plays: 03.21.24 – 03.24.24

Hobbit Plays News

Yet another set of action packed gaming fun over the course of Thursday evening through the weekend! We managed to set the sights on quite a few titles during the course of our adventures! This Hobbit Plays comes a bit later in the week then I intended, but I got side tracked with a few things on Monday, and never got around too it! Better late, than never, as the saying goes! 🙂

Days played: All week

Players: Hobbit

Comments: Just more of the daily quests, event dailies, farming, and typical SW shenanigans!

Days played: All weekend

Players: Error, Hobbit

Comments: (Thursday) My son and I started an early morning with some Baldur’s Gate 3. An incredible session to start the day off, before we had to call it for our work schedules. With some of the recent upgrades to his PC, he wanted to jump back into BG3! We started a new campaign for the run, and have been working our way through it on a path far more ‘Light’ than the campaign I’ve mentioned previously where we halted gameplay when he started running into issues. This game is amazing, even given the number of times we’ve started over, I’m always excited to fire it back up again!

That’s right, another session of BG3 earlier in the morning on Friday! My son and I had a great time working through that new campaign we started on Thursday! It’s sad, when we have to call it, but alas, work calls! We generally play until one of us has a call or ticket to deal with, or about half an hour before our work schedule begins.

My son and I hit another gaming session in BG3 for Saturday morning. Every session thus far has been great, and we are making some decent progress on the lighter side of heroes as it were! We continued playing BG3 until several of our gaming group finally arose (or came to their PC at least), a bit later in the afternoon.

Look, I know there is a pattern here. We like the game alright!? My son and I started off Sunday morning with a bit of Baldur’s Gate 3 again. We were later joined by Kilen in our Discord, and we paused our game to load back into his campaign to knock the dust off those murder hobos we created during our longest running campaign yet. During testing, my son noted his previous issues were resolved, or at least appear to be at this time. We progressed on that game for the remainder of our time in BG3. Our characters are obviously more powerful there at this time, and it was certainly a bit of fun to play our Dark Elf troop for a bit. I love my cleric in that campaign. The synergies I’ve managed to gather with gear and illithid powers makes healer both fun, and efficient!

Days played: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday


Comments: (Thursday) Thursday evening we followed up some gaming in HLL! I’m here to tell you coordinating our group of 3 – 5 people into a server and squad in and of itself can be a task, but this game certainly makes all the work totally worth it. It’s definitely in the top of my favorite lists these days! I love the unique gameplay it offers combined with the need to communicate and work together to get that WIN. It has been around for awhile, and for the most part the majority of the community I’ve encountered has been amazing!

(Saturday) I believe the session started with 3 of us for Hell Let Loose, although Bubbles later joined us and we trotted through the battle fields for a decent session of WWII fun again, until late in the night.

(Sunday) Error, Kilen, and I jumped into some WWII action again in HLL for what turned out to be the remainder of our game time on Sunday. It was certainly a great time as always. Kilen ended up having to call it because of a change in his work schedule next week, but we still managed to get in a decent session over all. From there my son and I called it shortly after, and we moved on to a bit of some family time with a few board games of Trouble to finish out the Sunday evening.

Days played: Friday, Saturday

Players: Bubbles, Error, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: (Friday) After everyone had, had their fill of Helldivers 2 (truthfully, I could have certainly entertained the missions a bit more), we moved on to some Project Zomboid! Ah, the great Zombie Apocalypse. All jokes aside, I was happy to load up this amazingly in-depth game, and roll around with our 4 person crew (at least at this time). We scavenged, we read books, we cooked food, we cleaned up, and we killed some freaking zombies! Kilen did have to call it a bit earlier than expected, but such is the way a Friday night plays out after a busy work day. Bubbles, Error, and myself played a bit later, although we still all turned in a bit earlier than usual for a Friday. Still it was a great time!

(Saturday) After we’d had our fill of HLL, four of us hopped back over to one of the greatest Zombie Apocalypses to date. That’s right more Project Zomboid was on the schedule! We continued with a bit more of our previously mentioned shenanigans until the wee hours of the night. This game is great, but it is so much better with friends!

Days played: Friday

Players: Bubbles, Error, Iron, Kilen, Hobbit

Comments: We started our Friday evening with a 3 – 4 person session of Helldivers 2. Yet another game, I’m always happy to load up! We played quite a few missions with a combination of: Hobbit, Error404 (My son), Bubbles (Family Friend, effectively adopted child), Ironthrow (Friend) and Kilen (Friend). Iron had to drop out for a bit, and returned a bit later to call it, even though we offered to hop into some Hell Let Loose so all of us could participate. He had things to do earlier Saturday. Several of us are still low rank/level in that game, but we are all accomplishing great things for Democracy as we progress!